Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Light bulb

It is a philips light bulb that I drew pencil on paper in 2005. It is my favorit one as well.
It took me such a long time working on this drawing, I like the way that rendering came out really well.

Real Life

Real life reminds me of family, friends and my daily life which is the most important part of my real life. I post these images that I took last year making sweet potato cake. It was a special cake for one of my family member. It is such a great time that people share time together for any reason. We share everything happy and sad.

Origami_Making a Rose

Monday, July 21, 2008

What is good about...

I found these websites from It is about drawing objects of interesting, inspiring and attractive. These are representing anything that comes to our daily life. It could be an object or feeling that we have everyday.
I like they having different ways of showing characters. They have used pretty and vivid colour and clear line.
Rob Pepper says(above), 'Making a drawing each day is like stamping time with an emblem , a marking of that time.'